Writing Workshop

 Writing Workshop

Writing in our classroom is done in a "workshop" setting, whereby students are working independently to write pieces that are personally meaningful to them. Each workshop consists of a 10-minute mini-lesson, a 30-minute work period, and a 5-minute share. While students are working, I am free to conference with students individually and tailor my instruction to their needs.
We are currently working on our first unit, "Launching the Workshop." Students are learning the routines of the workshop and are writing personal narratives. Our next unit will focus more intensely on techniques for writing personal narratives as well as writing mechanics.


These posters were created throughout the launch unit to learn what we do in writing workshop, as well as how to "fancy up" our writing to get it ready for publishing.  

Earlier this week students completed their first published pieces and shared them with each other.  They are now hanging proudly on the bulletin board in the hallway for others to enjoy!  Congratulations writers!   :)